Are You In Need Of A Body Detective?

Does everything seem to happen at once? First you strain your back, then your foot and your shoulder start playing up too. Or maybe not these precise areas, but the same phenomenon. One body area hurts, and other areas quickly follow.

Possibly this seems like Sod’s law, maybe this is completely logical to you, but definitely just plain annoying?

Our body’s are incredibly adept at coping with ill health and injury. Although it might often feel like they are not working in our favour. They behave as they should physiologically to fight illness and adapt to any physical strains or injuries placed upon them.

Often we don’t even notice our body’s physically adapting to change and strain. They do so in a “cloak and dagger” style allowing us to get on with our chosen activities for months or even years. Then one day, we might physically push them too far and they let us know that this is the case. Often through pain and movement restriction.

Osteopaths are body detectives. Osteopathy is a tool that can assist in understanding what has happened in your body and begin to determine the reason why. Osteopathy offers solutions to body pain and restriction through assessing the whole body. Both in movement and position. Then assisting in the solution to alleviate and/or develop tactics to manage a pain issue.

Osteopathy offers a drug-free approach to the assessment and treatment of muscle and joint problems throughout the body. If you are in need of a body detective service. I can help you identify the perpetrators of your pain crime. Get in touch.

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